Penfolds Grange was created by the legendary winemaker, the late Max Schubert, who had a 60 year career with Penfolds. Grange's weight and concentration can be traced to the rigorous selection of intensely flavoured Shiraz grapes from mature vines in some of South Australia's finest vineyards. The quality of Grange made each year is determined by the availability of grapes of the required quality and style. Penfolds multi-region, multi-vineyard blending policy enables winemakers to reduce the impact of vintage variation to the point where experts the world over consider Grange to be among the most consistent of the world's great wines. Partial fermentation and 18 months of maturation in new American oak adds complexity and a vanilla-like sweetness. Grange receives almost four years of bottle age, moderating the raw power of youth and allowing the wine's components to begin a long process of intergration and development. (Ref.